由于今天要导入好多表,而且要批量转换为NDB引擎,备份文件的太大。打开修改不现实。所以就写了一个SP。 里面涉及到三个存储过程。
1、存储过程详细语句: 这个存储过程有点问题,要反复运行几次才能把一个有好多数据的库全部更新。 具体原因还没有查清楚,暂时不能用到生产环境。 DELIMITER $$CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_alter_engine`( IN f_db_name varchar(255),IN f_table_name varchar(255), IN f_engine_name varchar(255))BEGIN -- Get the total of the table with given database. declare cnt1 int default 0; -- Increment variable. declare i int default 0; -- The true statement. select count(1) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = f_db_name and `engine` is not null and `engine` != f_engine_name into cnt1; -- To determinate whether the given table's name is empty or not. -- Begin if. if char_length(f_table_name) = 0 then -- Begin while. while i < cnt1 do set @stmt = concat('select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=''',f_db_name,''' and `engine` is not null and `engine` != ''',f_engine_name,''' limit ',i,',1 into @tbname'); prepare s1 from @stmt; execute s1; deallocate prepare s1; set @stmt = concat('alter table ',@tbname,' engine ',f_engine_name); prepare s1 from @stmt; execute s1; deallocate prepare s1; set @stmt = ''; set i = i + 1; end while; -- End while. else -- Change specific table's engine. set @stmt = concat('alter table ',f_db_name,'.',f_table_name,' engine ',f_engine_name); prepare s1 from @stmt; execute s1; deallocate prepare s1; set @stmt = ''; end if; -- End if;END$$DELIMITER ;
2、下面这两个结合可以用到生产环境。 1)、修改整个库,调用第三个SP。 DELIMITER $$DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `t_girl`.`sp_alter_db_engine`$$CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `sp_alter_db_engine`( IN f_db_name varchar(255), IN f_engine_name varchar(255))BEGIN -- Get the total number of tables. declare cnt1 int default 0; declare i int; set i = 0; select count(1) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = f_db_name into cnt1; while i < cnt1 do set @stmt = concat('select @tbname:=table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=''',f_db_name,''' order by table_name desc limit ',i,',1 into @tbname'); prepare s1 from @stmt; execute s1; deallocate prepare s1; set @stmt = ''; set @tbname = concat(f_db_name,'.',@tbname); call sp_alter_table_engine(@tbname,f_engine_name); set i = i + 1; end while;END$$DELIMITER ;2)、修改单个表DELIMITER $$DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `t_girl`.`sp_alter_table_engine`$$CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `sp_alter_table_engine`( IN f_tb_name varchar(255),IN f_engine_name varchar(20))BEGIN set @stmt = concat('alter table ',f_tb_name,' engine=',f_engine_name); prepare s1 from @stmt; execute s1; deallocate prepare s1; set @stmt = '';END$$DELIMITER ;
3、测试结果: mysql> call sp_alter_db_engine('t_girl','innodb'); Query OK, 0 rows affected (2 min 51.09 sec) 本文出自 “” 博客,转载请与作者联系!